Friday, January 13, 2012


#include "stdio.h"
#define size 128

//sum[0]視為第0位, sum[1]第1位 依此類推
//例如若這陣列記14547,則sum[4] ~ sum[0]分別是1,4,5,4,7
int sum[size] = {0};

void Double()

 int i;
 int carry = 0; //代表有進位

 for (i = 0; i < size; i ++)
  //i = 0 時,carry為0,因為第一位不會有進位
  //i > 0 時,carry 值為
  //而16>10,所以設carry = 1及sum[0] = 16-10 = 6
  //接著sum[1]的值為sum[1]+sum[1]+carry = 3 + 3 + 1 = 7

  sum[i] = sum[i] + sum[i] + carry; 

  if (sum[i] >= 10)
   carry = 1;
   sum[i] -= 10 ;
   carry = 0;

void Add1()
 //就是把sum陣列的值 + 1,
 //例如136變137,其中sum[2] = 1, sum[1] = 3, sum[0] = 6,
 //變sum[2] = 1, sum[1] = 3, sum[0] = 7
 //或39變40,其中sum[1] = 3, sum[0] = 9,
 //變sum[1] = 4, sum[0] = 0

 int i = 0;
 int carry = 0;
 sum[0] ++;
 if ( sum[0] == 10)
  carry = 1;
  sum[0] = 0;

 while ( carry == 1)
  //遇到結尾是9, 99, 或9999...時,才會跑進這while
  i++;  //代表再走到下一位
  sum[i] ++; //表示這一位多加carry值1,所以sum[i]++
  if (sum[i] == 10)
   //若還繼續進位的話,就會繼續維持carry = 1,sum[i]這位則變為9+1-10=0
   sum[i] = 0;
   break;  //表示沒繼續進位,也完成了這個數加1


int main()
 int i;
 char str[size];
 int weisu;

 scanf("%[0-1]", str); //也可把[0-1]改成d

 for (i = 0 ; i < size ; i++)
  if (str[i] == '\0')

  Double(); //把sum陣列的值加倍

  if (str[i] == '1') 
   Add1();  //是1的話就多加1,不是的話就不用

 //例如若輸入為11001,sum代表值就會是25 (sum[1] = 2, sum[0] = 5),
 //而weisu 會等於 1

 weisu = size - 1; 
 while (sum[weisu] == 0 && weisu >= 0)


 if (weisu == -1)
  printf("0\n"); //沒有sum[-1],但若遇到weisu = -1則sum代表的值必是0
  for (i = weisu; i >= 0 ; i --)
   printf("%d", sum[i]);



 return 0;

Monday, January 9, 2012


以下程式可以以getline輸入加法的字串,例如"1.1 + 2 + 3.5 + 4",輸出為這幾個數的和。方法就是以strtok分割字串,然後以atof轉成數值,然後把值將加後,最後得到結果
#include "iostream"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "stdio.h"

using namespace std;

int main()
 char str[256];

 cout << "請輸入加法運算字串,例如1.1 + 2 + 3.5 + 4 : \n";
 cin.getline(str, 100);

 char *delim = "+";
 char * pch;
 int i = 0, j;
 double answer = 0;
 double values[4];

 pch = strtok(str, delim);

 while (pch != NULL)
  values[i] = atof(pch);
  cout << "values[i] = " << values[i] << endl;
  pch = strtok(NULL, delim);

 for ( j = 0 ; j < i ; j ++)
  answer = answer + values[j];

 cout << "這" << i << "個數的和為" << answer << endl;

 return 0;

Sunday, January 8, 2012

以Prim's Algorithm來求最小成本擴張樹

 #include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#define INF 10000000

using namespace std;

//一個undirected graph的adjacency matrix
int adjMatrix[8][8] =
 {0, 300, 1000, INF, INF, INF, INF, 1700},
 {300, 0, 800, INF, INF, INF, INF, INF},
 {1000, 800, 0, 1200, INF, INF, INF, INF},
 {INF, INF, 1200, 0, 1500, 1000, INF, INF},
 {INF, INF, INF, 1500, 0, 250, INF, INF},
 {INF, INF, INF, 1000, 250, 0, 900, 1400},
 {INF, INF, INF, INF, INF, 900, 0, 1000},
 {1700, INF, INF, INF, INF, 1400, 1000, 0},

int addedVertices[8] = {0};
int addedVerticesNum = 1;       //紀錄成為spanning tree的各邊中其中一點的數目數目。第一個點為0

bool isAdded(int v)
 //檢驗這個點是不是已被加入spanning tree的邊中其中一個點

 for (int i = 0 ; i < addedVerticesNum; i ++)
  if (addedVertices[i] == v)
   return true;

 return false;

//紀錄會成為spanning tree的7條邊。若頂點數目是n則是n-1條邊
struct Edge
 int node1;
 int node2;

} edge[7];

int main(int argc, char* argv[])

 int p1, p2;   //紀錄被檢驗的邊的兩點
 int lowestWeight; //在下面的三層迴圈中,暫存與已被加入spanning tree的邊相連的邊中,weight最低的
 int thep1, thep2; //紀錄這一次要被加入minimum cost spanning tree的邊的兩個頂點  
 for (int i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i ++)
  lowestWeight = INF;

  for (int count = 0; count < addedVerticesNum; count++)
   p1 = addedVertices[count];

   for (p2 = 0; p2 < 8 ; p2++)
    if ( p2 != p1 && adjMatrix[p1][p2] < lowestWeight && !isAdded(p2) )
     //這個要被加入spanninf tree的邊的兩個點不同,所以 p2 != p1
     //兩個點之間須有邊相連,所以 adjMatrix[p1][p2] < INF。
     //adjMatrix[p1][p2] < lowestWeight則是為了找出權重最低的邊
     //在加一條新的邊時,依prim的演算法必須一點是已被加入spanning tree的邊中的其中一點,另一點不是。
     //而p1 = addedVertices[count] 和 !isAdded(p2)代表p1是其中一點,p2不是

     lowestWeight = adjMatrix[p1][p2];
     thep1 = p1;
     thep2 = p2;


  if (lowestWeight < INF)
   edge[addedVerticesNum - 1].node1 = thep1;
   edge[addedVerticesNum - 1].node2 = thep2;
   //thep1是新加入spanning tree的邊中,已和其中一條被加入spanning tree的邊相連的點,
   //thep2則是尚未與被加入spanning tree的邊相連的另一點

   addedVertices[addedVerticesNum] = thep2; 
  else //若lowestWeight = INF,表示p1未與其他任何點相連,所以整個圖必定沒有spanning tree

 if (addedVerticesNum < 8 )
  cout << "No spanning tree\n";
  cout << "The edges of the spanning tree are:\n";

  for (int i = 0 ; i < 7; i++ )
   cout << "edge " << edge[i].node1 << edge[i].node2 << endl;

 //the edges of the spanning tree are:
 //edge 01
 //edge 12
 //edge 23
 //edge 35
 //edge 54
 //edge 56
 //edge 67

 return 0;

Monday, January 2, 2012

C++ 二元樹的刪除節點

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>

using namespace std;

struct node
    int data;
    struct node *left;    // self-reference linker
    struct node *right;    // self-reference linker

} *root, *tree, *t;

struct node *GetSmallest(struct node *ptr)
     while (ptr->left != NULL)

     return ptr;

struct node *Delete(struct node *ptr, int value)
     //從維基百科知,There are three possible cases to consider:
     //   1. Deleting a leaf (node with no children): Deleting a leaf is easy, as we can simply remove it from the tree.
     //   2. Deleting a node with one child: Remove the node and replace it with its child.
     //   3. Deleting a node with two children: Call the node to be deleted N. Do not delete N.
     //  Instead, choose either its in-order successor node or its in-order predecessor node, R.
     //         Replace the value of N with the value of R, then delete R.

     //第一和和第二種情形的刪除很容易,第種情形時的刪除,我是用「中序立即後繼節點(inorder immediate successor)」法,
     struct node *temp;

     if (ptr!= NULL)
           if (ptr->right == NULL && ptr->left == NULL)
                ptr= NULL;
           else if (ptr->left == NULL)
                ptr = ptr->right;
           else if (ptr->right == NULL)
                ptr = ptr->left;
           else if (value > ptr->data)
                ptr->right = Delete(ptr->right, value);
           else if (value < ptr->data)
                ptr->left = Delete(ptr->left, value);

                temp = GetSmallest(ptr->right);
                temp->left = ptr->left;
                ptr = ptr->right;


           cout << "Sorry, the input does not match any node's value in the tree.\n";

     return ptr;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    int i, key;

    root = NULL;

    for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
           cout << "Enter number " << i+1 << " > " ;

           cin >> key;
           if (root == NULL)   // 插入第一個數字
                root = new struct node;
                root->data = key;
                root->left = root->right = NULL;
           else  // 插入第二個以後的數字
                tree = root;
                while (tree != NULL)
                     if (key == tree->data)  // 要插入的數字已經存在於樹中
                           cout << "duplicate node!";
                     else if (key < tree->data)   // 要插入的數字< 節點數字, 向左子樹移動
                           if (tree->left != NULL)
                                tree = tree->left; // 向左子樹移動
                           else // 沒有左子樹時, 則新增節點, 放置要插入的數字
                                t = new struct node;
                                t->data = key;
                                t->left = t->right = NULL;
                                tree->left = t;
                     else // 要插入的數字> 節點數字, 向右子樹移動
                           if (tree->right != NULL)
                                tree = tree->right; // 向右子樹移動
                           else // 沒有右子樹時, 則新增節點, 放置要插入的數字
                                t = new struct node;
                                t->data = key;
                                t->left = t->right = NULL;
                                tree->right = t;

     cout << "root->left->left->data = " << root->left->left->data << endl;
     Delete(root, 0);

     cout << "root->left->data = " << root->left->data << endl;

     if (root->left->left == NULL)
           cout << "root->left->left == NULL";

     //例如插入3 1 4 0 2 5 ,經Delete(root, 0)後,就會發現被刪掉了

    return 0; // 設置中斷點, 察看樹的形狀

Sunday, January 1, 2012


// Complex.cpp 

#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "Complex.h"
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

Complex::Complex(double r, double i)
    real = r;
    imaginary = i;


void Complex::Add(Complex &c)

    real += c.real;
    imaginary += c.imaginary;


void Complex::Subtract(Complex &c)

    real -= c.real;
    imaginary -= c.imaginary;


void Complex::Multiply(Complex &c)
    real = real * c.real - imaginary * c.imaginary;
    imaginary = real * c.imaginary + imaginary * c.real;

void Complex::Divide(Complex &c)

    if ( c.real != 0 || c.imaginary != 0)
        double fenmu = c.real * c.real + c.imaginary * c.imaginary;
        real = real * c.real + imaginary * c.imaginary;
        real /= fenmu;

        imaginary = imaginary * c.real - real * c.imaginary;
        imaginary / fenmu;
        cout << "Cannot divide a number by zero.\n";


void Complex::OutputValue()
    if (real == 0 && imaginary == 0)
        cout << "0\n";
    else if (real == 0)
        if (imaginary > 0)
            cout << imaginary << "*i\n";
            cout << -imaginary << "*i\n";
    else if (imaginary == 0)
        cout << real << "\n";
        if (imaginary > 0)
            cout << real << " + " << imaginary << "*i\n";

            cout << real << " - " << -imaginary << "*i\n";

#pragma once

class Complex
    Complex(double = 0, double = 0);

    void Add(Complex &);
    void Subtract(Complex &);
    void Multiply(Complex &);
    void Divide(Complex &);

    void OutputValue();

    float real;
    float imaginary;


// main.cpp : 

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "Complex.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <ctype.h>
#define size 12

using namespace std;

bool IsDouble(char a[])
    int i;
    int pointsNum = 0;

    if ( !isdigit(a[0])  && a[0] != '-' && a[0] != '.')
        return false;

    if (a[0] == '.')
        pointsNum = 1;

    for (i = 1; i < size, a[i] != '\0' ; i ++ )
        if ( !isdigit(a[i]) && a[i] != '.')
            return false;
        else if (a[i] == '.')
            pointsNum ++;

    if (pointsNum <= 1 && i < 12)
        return true;


int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    char rr[size], ii[size];
    double r, i;

    cout << "Enter complex number c1.\n";
    cout << "real part: ";
    cin >> rr;

    while (!IsDouble(rr))
        cout << "Sorry, please input a real number";
        cin >> rr;
    r = atof(rr);
    cout << "imaginary part: ";
    cin >> ii;

    while (!IsDouble(ii))
        cout << "Sorry, please input a real number";
        cin >> ii;
    i = atof(ii);

    Complex c1(r, i);


    cout << "Enter complex number c2.\n";
    cout << "real part: ";
    cin >> rr;

    while (!IsDouble(rr))
        cout << "Sorry, please input a real number";

        cin >> rr;

    r = atof(rr);

    cout << "imaginary part: ";
    cin >> ii;

    while (!IsDouble(ii))
        cout << "Sorry, please input a real number";
        cin >> ii;
    i = atof(ii);

    Complex c2(r, i);


    Complex tempc1, tempc2;
    tempc1 = c1;
    tempc2 = c2;

    cout << "\nThe value c1 + c2 is :";


    c1 = tempc1;
    c2 = tempc2;

    cout << "\nThe value c1 - c2 is :";


    c1 = tempc1;
    c2 = tempc2;

    cout << "\nThe value c1 * c2 is :";


    c1 = tempc1;
    c2 = tempc2;

    cout << "\nThe value c1 / c2 is :";


    c1 = tempc1;
    c2 = tempc2;

    return 0;

C++ [泡沫排序] [ 模擬提款機]


// CPPTest.cpp : 定義主控台應用程式的進入點。


#include "stdafx.h"

using namespace std;

void BubbleSort(int num)

    int* ptr = new int[num];

    for (int i = 0; i < num; i ++)
        cout << "Enter number " << i+1 << " > " ;

        cin >> ptr[i];

    int temp;

    for (int i = 0; i < num; i ++)


        for (int j = i+1; j < num ; j++)


            if (ptr[i] > ptr[j])


                temp = ptr[i];







    cout << "The sorted numbers in ascending order are: \n";

    for (int i = 0; i < num; i ++)


        cout << ptr[i];

        cout << " ";



int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])



    int num;

    cout << "Enter the number of inegers: ";

    cin >> num;


    return 0;




// CPPTest.cpp : 定義主控台應用程式的進入點。


#include "stdafx.h"

#define size 15

using namespace std;

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])


    int money;

    int deposition, withdrawal;

    int choice;

    fstream file;



        cout << "(1)Balance Check  \n";
        cout << "(2)Withdraw       \n";
        cout << "(3)Deposit      \n";
        cout << "(4)Clear      \n";
        cout << "(5)Exit      \n";
        cout << "Please choose a service: ";

        cin >> choice;

        if (choice == 1)
        {        ifstream fin("money.txt", ios::in);

                fin >> money;
                cout << "The balance in your account is : "  

                     << money << " dollars.\n\n";

        else if (choice == 2)

            ifstream fin("money.txt");

            fin >> money;

            cout << "Enter the amount of money you withdraw: ";

            cin >> withdrawal;

            if (withdrawal <= money)


                ofstream fout("money.txt", ios::trunc);

                fout << money - withdrawal;

                cout << "The balance in your account now is : "  

                     <<  money - withdrawal << " dollars\n\n";



                cout << "The balance in your account now is only " 

                     << money << " dollars and not enough to withdraw " 

                     << withdrawal << " dollars.\n\n";


        else if (choice == 3)

                ifstream fin("money.txt");

                fin >> money;

                cout << "Enter the amount of money you deposit: ";

                cin >> deposition;

                ofstream fout("money.txt", ios::trunc);

                fout << money + deposition;

                cout << "The balance in your account now is : "  

                      <<  money + deposition << " dollars.\n\n";


        else if (choice == 4)

            ofstream fout("money.txt", ios::trunc);

            fout << 0;

            cout << "The balance in your account now is 0 dollar.\n\n";



        else if (choice == 5 )

    } "pause");
    return 0;
