The following classes are my implementation of R-Tree, which can be used to construct an R-Tree for a list of points in a plane. The package along with a csv file storing points to be inserted can be downloaded from The method to split an overflowing node is the Quadratic method by Antonin Guttman.
I have done a little testing but am still not very sure that the source codes below are entirely free of bugs. Any reader who finds bugs is welcomed to report them in comments below. And if I find some bugs afterwards, I will also modify this post.
package RTree; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; public class MBR { protected double left, right, top, bottom; private Double area; private ArrayListMBRPair.javachildren; //an array of children MBRs //an array of leaf entries; only leaf MBRs have entries with nonzero size private ArrayList entries; private MBR parent; //All leaf entries and node entries except the root have a parent MBR private static int idTrace = 0; private Integer id; private static final QuadraticComparator qc = new QuadraticComparator(); private static Integer m, M; public static void initialize(int m, int M){ if (M < 2 || m > M / 2) new Exception("Improper m and M values").printStackTrace(); MBR.m = m; MBR.M = M; } public MBR(double left, double right, double top, double bottom) { this.left = left; this.right = right; = top; this.bottom = bottom; if (left > right || bottom > top) new Exception("Left shouldn't be larger than right, " + "and bottom shouldn't be larger than top").printStackTrace(); children = new ArrayList (); entries = new ArrayList (); setId(); } /** * search the leaf MBR the leafEntry inserts to; * @param leafEntry */ public MBRPair search(MBR leafEntry) { MBRPair targetMbrPair = null; if (children.size() == 0) //has no children but may have leaf entries targetMbrPair = new MBRPair(this, leafEntry); else { ArrayList mbrPairs = new ArrayList (); for (MBR child : children) mbrPairs.add(new MBRPair(child, leafEntry)); targetMbrPair = Collections.min(mbrPairs).getTarget().search(leafEntry); } return targetMbrPair; } /** * If the leaf node is not full, an entry is inserted. Else –Split the leaf node –Update the directory rectangles of the ancestor nodes if necessary * return null if no split occurs, or root MBR if it does */ public MBR splitWhenFull(){ MBR parentMbr = null; if (getLeafEntries().size() == M + 1){ parentMbr = split_quardratic_forLeafEntries(); // System.out.println("MBR 72"); // parentMbr.printDetails(); } else return null; while (parentMbr.getChildren().size() == M + 1) { parentMbr = parentMbr.split_quardratic_forNoneLeafEntries(); } return parentMbr.getRoot(); } private void updateNodes(MBR newChild){ MBRPair temp = new MBRPair(this, newChild); if (temp.getEnlargement() == 0) return; adjustRegion(temp.getMergedMBR()); } /** * save calculation time a bit * @param newChild * @param pair */ private void updateNodes(MBR newChild, MBRPair pair){ MBRPair temp; if (pair.getEnlargement() == 0) return; adjustRegion(pair.getMergedMBR()); MBR ancestor = parent; while (ancestor != null){ temp = new MBRPair(ancestor, newChild); if (temp.getEnlargement() == 0) return; ancestor.adjustRegion(temp.getMergedMBR()); ancestor = ancestor.getParent(); } } public void addNonLeafChild(MBR nonLeafChild){ nonLeafChild.setParent(this); children.add(nonLeafChild); updateNodes(nonLeafChild); } /** * reduce calculation time a bit compared to addNonLeafChild(MBR nonLeafChild) */ public void addNonLeafChild(MBR nonLeafChild, MBRPair pair){ nonLeafChild.setParent(this); children.add(nonLeafChild); updateNodes(nonLeafChild, pair); } public void addLeafChild(MBR leafChild){ leafChild.setParent(this); entries.add(leafChild); updateNodes(leafChild); } /** * reduce calculation time a bit compared to addLeafChild(MBR leafChild) */ public void addLeafChild(MBR leafChild, MBRPair pair){ leafChild.setParent(this); entries.add(leafChild); updateNodes(leafChild, pair); } public MBR split_quardratic_forLeafEntries(){ MBR group1 = this; ArrayList group1sLeafEntries = group1.getLeafEntries(); ArrayList allPairs = new ArrayList (); for (int j = 1; j < group1sLeafEntries.size(); j ++){ for (int i = 0 ; i < j; i++) allPairs.add(new MBRPair(group1sLeafEntries.get(i), group1sLeafEntries.get(j))); } MBRPair theBestPair = Collections.max(allPairs, qc); MBR group1_firstLeafEntry = theBestPair.getTarget(); MBR group2_firstLeafEntry = theBestPair.getToBeInserted(); ArrayList leafEntries_bak = new ArrayList (); leafEntries_bak.addAll(group1sLeafEntries); leafEntries_bak.remove(group1_firstLeafEntry); leafEntries_bak.remove(group2_firstLeafEntry); group1sLeafEntries.clear(); group1.adjustRegion(group1_firstLeafEntry); group1.addLeafChild(group1_firstLeafEntry); if (parent == null){ //happens when splitting the root; the parent becomes the new root parent = new MBR(left, right, top, bottom); parent.addNonLeafChild(group1); } MBR group2 = new MBR(group2_firstLeafEntry.left, group2_firstLeafEntry.right,, group2_firstLeafEntry.bottom); parent.addNonLeafChild(group2); group2.addLeafChild(group2_firstLeafEntry); for (MBR child : leafEntries_bak){ MBRPair pair1 = new MBRPair(group1, child); MBRPair pair2 = new MBRPair(group2, child); if (group1.getLeafEntries().size() == M - m + 1){ group2.addLeafChild(child, pair2); continue; }else if (group2.getLeafEntries().size() == M - m + 1){ group1.addLeafChild(child, pair1); continue; } if (pair1.getEnlargement() < pair2.getEnlargement()){ group1.addLeafChild(child, pair1); }else if (pair2.getEnlargement() < pair1.getEnlargement() ){ group2.addLeafChild(child, pair2); }else { if (group1.getArea() < group2.getArea()){ group1.addLeafChild(child, pair1); }else if (group2.getArea() < group1.getArea()){ group2.addLeafChild(child, pair2); } else { if (group1.getChildren().size() <= group2.getChildren().size()) group1.addLeafChild(child, pair1); else group2.addLeafChild(child, pair2); } } } // System.out.println("MBR 216 : two groups " + group1.getLeafEntries().size() + ", " + group2.getLeafEntries().size()); // System.out.println("MBR 217 " + group1.left + ", " + group1.right + ", " + + ", " + group1.bottom); // System.out.println("MBR 218 " + group2.left + ", " + group2.right + ", " + + ", " + group2.bottom); return parent; } public MBR split_quardratic_forNoneLeafEntries(){ //this: group1; this.getChildren(): group1sChildren MBR group1 = this; ArrayList group1sChildren = group1.getChildren(); ArrayList allPairs = new ArrayList (); for (int j = 1; j < group1sChildren.size(); j ++){ for (int i = 0 ; i < j; i++) allPairs.add(new MBRPair(group1sChildren.get(i), group1sChildren.get(j))); } MBRPair theBestPair = Collections.max(allPairs, qc); MBR group1_firstMBR = theBestPair.getTarget(); MBR group2_firstMBR = theBestPair.getToBeInserted(); ArrayList children_bak = new ArrayList (); children_bak.addAll(group1sChildren); children_bak.remove(group1_firstMBR); children_bak.remove(group2_firstMBR); group1sChildren.clear(); group1.adjustRegion(group1_firstMBR); group1.addNonLeafChild(group1_firstMBR); if (parent == null){ //parent becomes new root parent = new MBR(left, right, top, bottom); parent.addNonLeafChild(group1); } MBR group2 = new MBR(group2_firstMBR.left, group2_firstMBR.right,, group2_firstMBR.bottom); parent.addNonLeafChild(group2); group2.addNonLeafChild(group2_firstMBR); for (MBR child : children_bak){ MBRPair pair1 = new MBRPair(group1, child); MBRPair pair2 = new MBRPair(group2, child); if (group1.getChildren().size() == M - m + 1){ group2.addNonLeafChild(child, pair2); continue; }else if (group2.getChildren().size() == M - m + 1){ group1.addNonLeafChild(child, pair1); continue; } if (pair1.getEnlargement() < pair2.getEnlargement()){ group1.addNonLeafChild(child, pair1); }else if (pair2.getEnlargement() < pair1.getEnlargement() ){ group2.addNonLeafChild(child, pair2); }else { if (group1.getArea() < group2.getArea()){ group1.addNonLeafChild(child, pair1); }else if (group2.getArea() < group1.getArea()){ group2.addNonLeafChild(child, pair2); } else { if (group1.getChildren().size() <= group2.getChildren().size()) group1.addNonLeafChild(child, pair1); else group2.addNonLeafChild(child, pair2); } } } return parent; } /** * adjust regon and leave other info unchanged * @param newRegionMBR */ private void adjustRegion(MBR newRegionMBR){ this.left = newRegionMBR.left; this.right = newRegionMBR.right; =; this.bottom = newRegionMBR.bottom; } public Double getArea(){ if (area == null) area = (right - left) * (top - bottom); return area; } public MBR getParent() { return parent; } public void setParent(MBR parent) { this.parent = parent; } public ArrayList getChildren() { return children; } public Integer getId() { return id; } public void setId() { if (id == null) id = ++idTrace; } public ArrayList getLeafEntries() { return entries; } public MBR getRoot(){ if (parent == null) return this; MBR root = parent; while (root.getParent() != null) root = root.getParent(); return root; } public void printDetails(){ System.out.println("MBR.printDetails(): for MBR with id = " + id); System.out.println("left = " + left + ", right = " + right + ", top = " + top + ", bottom = " + bottom); System.out.println("children.size() = " + children.size() + ", leafEntries.size() = " + entries.size()); for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++){ System.out.println("child " + i + "left = " + children.get(i).left + ", right = " + children.get(i).right + ", top = " + children.get(i).top + ", bottom = " + children.get(i).bottom); } if (parent != null){ System.out.println("parent.left = " + parent.left + ", parent.right = " + parent.right + ", = " + + ", parent.bottom = " + parent.bottom); } } }
package RTree; public class MBRPair implements{ /** * An MBRPair represent a pair of MBR; * Used to facilitate the determination of the most proper leaf MBR an entry should be inserted to * or the most proper non-leaf MBR an MBR should be inserted to */ private Double enlargement; private final MBR target, toBeInserted; private MBR mergedMBR; //merge target and toBeInserted into one by adjusting left, right, top, bottom public MBRPair(MBR target, MBR toBeInserted){ = target; this.toBeInserted = toBeInserted; } /** * �VIf there is a node whose directory rectangle contains the mbbto be inserted, then search the subtree �VElse choose a node such that the enlargement of its directory rectangle is minimal, then search the subtree �VIf more than one node satisfy this, choose the one with smallest area */ @Override public int compareTo(MBRPair anotherPair) { int firstComparison = getEnlargement().compareTo(anotherPair.getEnlargement()); if (firstComparison != 0) return firstComparison; return target.getArea().compareTo(anotherPair.getTarget().getArea()); } public Double getEnlargement() { if (enlargement == null){ double leftMost, rightMost, topMost, bottomMost; leftMost = min(target.left, toBeInserted.left); rightMost = max(target.right, toBeInserted.right); topMost = max(,; bottomMost = min(target.bottom, toBeInserted.bottom); mergedMBR = new MBR(leftMost, rightMost, topMost, bottomMost); enlargement = mergedMBR.getArea() - target.getArea(); } return enlargement; } private double max(double a, double b){ return a > b ? a : b; } private double min(double a, double b){ return a < b ? a : b; } public MBR getTarget() { return target; } public MBR getToBeInserted() { return toBeInserted; } public MBR getMergedMBR() { if (mergedMBR == null) getEnlargement(); return mergedMBR; } }
package RTree; import java.util.Comparator; public class QuadraticComparator implements{ @Override public int compare(MBRPair pair1, MBRPair pair2) { Double additionalArea1 = computeAdditionalArea(pair1); Double additionalArea2 = computeAdditionalArea(pair2); return additionalArea1.compareTo(additionalArea2); } private double computeAdditionalArea(MBRPair pair){ return pair.getMergedMBR().getArea() - pair.getTarget().getArea() - pair.getToBeInserted().getArea(); } }
package RTree; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; public class RTree { public RTree() { } MBR root = null; public static void main(String[] args) { MBR.initialize(3, 7); RTree rTree = new RTree(); String pointsFilePath = "files/randomPoints.csv"; MBR root = rTree.constructRTree(pointsFilePath); root.printDetails(); } public MBR constructRTree(String pointsFilePath){ ArrayListleafMBRsToBeInserted = readLeafMBRs(pointsFilePath); if (leafMBRsToBeInserted.size() == 0) return root = null; else{ MBR firstLeafMBR = leafMBRsToBeInserted.get(0); root = new MBR(firstLeafMBR.left, firstLeafMBR.right,, firstLeafMBR.bottom); root.addLeafChild(firstLeafMBR); } for (int i = 1 ; i < leafMBRsToBeInserted.size(); i++){ MBRPair pair =; MBR targetMbr = pair.getTarget(); targetMbr.addLeafChild(leafMBRsToBeInserted.get(i), pair); MBR newRoot = targetMbr.splitWhenFull(); if (newRoot != null) root = newRoot; } return root; } /** * Read leaf MBRs to be inserted to the RTree from file. * The leaf MBrs of the RTree are zero-area points. */ private ArrayList readLeafMBRs(String pointsFilePath){ ArrayList points = new ArrayList (); try { InputStreamReader read = new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(pointsFilePath), "utf-8"); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(read); String line; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { int comma = line.indexOf(","); double x = Double.parseDouble(line.substring(0, comma)); double y = Double.parseDouble(line.substring(comma + 1)); points.add(new MBR(x, x, y, y)); } reader.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return points; } }
What does it mean to csv?
ReplyDeleteSorry, just a simple code; there're no other meanings about it, and you can add additional codes for modification. The input for constructing an R-tree can be any ArrayList of MBRs.
ReplyDeleteHow can i create Rtree from Latitude and Longitude Value which is save in my MySQL Database?Please reply soon.
ReplyDeletewhich jar files you have added to compile the code
ReplyDeletecan u please explain the printdetails method defined in file? why it is taking mbr id at random. i want to print the details of full r tree, not about the particular MBR.
ReplyDeleteHello Sir
ReplyDeleteCan u send randomPoints.csv file on
Hi Tom , I am working with R-Trees, I am doing my PhD in Spatial Databases, I was working with python which has library for R-tree , but as I need to modify R-tree I was looking for code. I am not much familiar with Java, Can you send me that CSV file or elaborate the contents of this CSV file. It will be a great help. Thanks in advance. Saurabh Mishra(
ReplyDeleteCan you please send me the randomPoints.csvfile on ?
ReplyDeleteThanks in advance
A homepage with music - interesting! But it's nice music so I say its fine! But I still had to giggle a bit, this is like 15 years ago.